Noether accepted the offer and, as a professor at Bryn Mawr, she mentored four younger women – one doctoral student and three ...
A little-known math instructor revolutionized our understanding of particle physics and influenced Albert Einstein’s thought.
She transcended the boundaries of traditional thinking in mathematics and changed the face of abstract algebra forever: the mathematician Emmy Noether (1882-1935) is considered one of the most ...
This chapter has three main aims. First, it gives a pedagogical introduction to Noether’s two theorems and their implications for energy conservation in general relativity, which was a central point ...
Like Einstein before her, McClintock relied a lot on a very vivid imagination, supplemented with intensely hard work, and ...
Scientists have revealed how a population of insulin-producing cells (IPCs) in the fruit fly brain works together to produce ...
Bajardi, Francesco Capozziello, Salvatore Di Salvo, Tiziana and Spinnato, Francesca 2023. The Noether Symmetry Approach: Foundation and Applications: The Case of ...
The DFG’s Emmy Noether Programme offers exceptionally qualified researchers in the early years of their career (usually up to four years into their post-doc phase) the opportunity to lead an ...
Whether it's Emmy Noether, a Jewish woman teaching physics without pay, or Neil Turok, training the next Einstein at the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences, we're all in this together.
The nearest thing to a digital typewriter, the Field75 has a slight whiff of dieselpunk (according to the company), as well as the form and palette of AI-inspired science fiction visions, with names ...
2008-2009 Post-doctoral research fellowship from the ‘Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft’ (German Research Council) 2012 Emmy Noether start-up grant from the ‘Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft’ (German ...
“The funding of independent junior research groups in the DFG’s Emmy Noether Programme is a key element,” she says. “We expect these groups to draw in highly qualified early career ...