We need to continue to celebrate that and that is seen with our new Queen, Te Arikinui Kuini Nga wai hono i te po, and Hauraki-Waikato MP Hana-Rawhiti Maipi-Clarke. Those two are the new ...
It responds to the environment, weather and our presence by changing light patterns and sound. Whai is a new artwork, originally for Matariki ki te Manawa, by Janine Williams (Ngāti Paoa ...
I whakatūria e te Minita mō te Mātauranga e Minita Erica Stanford tētahi Poari Ārahi Mātauranga Māori arā te ‘Māori Education Ministerial Advisory Group’, he hunga matatau i te ao mātauranga. Ko tā ...
I kōrero mātou ki te Mema Paremata i te Pāti Kākāriki ki a Teanau Tuiono mō ngā kaupapa porotiki o te wā, kei te hopukanga nei te whānuitanga o āna kōrero.