A little-known math instructor revolutionized our understanding of particle physics and influenced Albert Einstein’s thought.
Scientists have revealed how a population of insulin-producing cells (IPCs) in the fruit fly brain works together to produce ...
TP and JB drafted the manuscript, evaluated the data and steered the project. Funding We would like to thank the DFG for funding (Emmy Noether BE4328/5-1 and FOR2722). Competing interests None ...
This article is about Emmy Noether's first theorem, which derives conserved quantities from symmetries. For other uses, see Noether's theorem (disambiguation).
Physics theorem for symmetries of action From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ...
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Review by Kyle Harper Read the review Katharine White was an editor at the New Yorker from its founding, shaping the magazine ...
IN a recent letter to NATURE (May 10, p. 673) Dr. Kramers advanced a quantum theory of dispersion which is a generalisation of the theory of Ladenburg. The formula proposed by Kramers for the ...
MAY I correct Prof. Chapman on two minor points (NATURE, 150, 49 ; 1942)? Forsyth's Calcutta lectures, published in 1914, were on the theory of functions of two complex variables. His treatise on ...
Peer ReviewDownload a summary of the editorial decision process including editorial decision letters, reviewer comments and author responses to feedback. The mitochondrial calcium uniporter channel ...